Forest Redwoods

Gemini Coast Redwood

by Mario Vaden


Gemini is one of the tallest Coast Redwoods in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park. The trunk also has an outstanding unique feature ... a big growth that protrudes and dangles. Whether it's a burl, or part of an old branch stub that broke and survived, I'm not certain.

Height ... 345 ft. (2013)

This particular Coast Redwood is not very far from the visitor center in the park. The general vicinity is Foothill Trail north of Cal-Barrel Rd., and about 2 minutes walk from the Big Tree landmark redwood. The photo below is the angle least seen, but is the most photogenic to capture more of the setting near it. Again, this is why I tell people they don't need directions to every extraordinary redwood in the parks. Just slow down, hike a few trails, pause more often and see what you can discover on your own.



Unusual Coast Redwood called Gemini with a growth and burl